Gum Disease, Gingivitis, Periodontitis

Gum disease is extremely prevalent and a common cause of tooth mobility, recession, and tooth loss.

The two main types of gum disease are gingivitis and periodontitis.

Examination of gum tissues


Gingivitis is a fancy word for inflammation of gums, or “gingiva” in dental speak. Gingivitis is the earliest form of gum diseases and is fully reversible with regular dental cleanings and good home care. Keep calm and floss on.


Periodontitis is a more advanced form of gum disease marked by physical loss of tooth supporting structure. In normal health, the entire root of your tooth is surround by attached gum tissue and underlying supporting bone. Loss of these supporting structures can manifest in recession, pocket formation, increased mobility of teeth, and ultimately, the loss of teeth.

Periodontitis, if appropriately managed, can be halted or even reversed, restoring your oral health and helping secure your teeth will remain with you for many years to come.


Recession of the gum-line exposes the root surfaces of your teeth, which is much softer than enamel, and is prone wear creating notches in your teeth along the gum line. This is known as a “non-carious cervical lesion” a category of tooth wear.